Google Maps User Agreement

Google maps of Canada contains data that has been reproduced with permission from DMTI Spatial Inc. under license from Canada Post Corporation. The Canada Post Corporation file from which this data originated is dated September 2009 or later. If you are a professional user or organization, then to the extent permitted by law: MOTC 2019-present MOTC Transport API V2 and future versions. Open data is made available to the public under the Open Government Data License (Taiwan), and users can use it if they meet the conditions and fulfill the obligations set out in their conditions. The Open Government Data license can be found under 4.4.1 Use and Retention of Data. To provide the Services through the Customer Application(s), Google collects and receives data from Customers and End Users (and End Users, if applicable), including search terms, IP addresses, and latitude/longitude coordinates. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Google and its affiliates may use and retain this information to provide and improve Google products and services, subject to Google`s Privacy Policy under Thank you for your interest in the Google Maps APIs. Google Maps APIs are a set of services that allow you to include maps, geocoding, places, and other Google content in your web pages or apps.

You may not take screenshots of Street View images or delete them from embedded sources for any purpose. This ensures that these changes are reflected in your project when Google edits or deletes images in response to user requests. Google Maps of Canada contain data from the following areas: Except for the rights and obligations described in this section (in the event of problems or disagreements), Google is not responsible for any other loss unless it is caused by our violation of these Terms of Service or additional terms specific to the service. «Terms URL» means the following URL, which is listed here: 1.5 New Features and Services. Google may: (a) provide new functionality through the Services, and (b) add new Services to the definition of «Services» (by adding them to the URL specified in that definition). Customer`s use of new features or functionality may be subject to Customer`s acceptance of additional terms and conditions that apply to the new feature or functionality. The above Google licenses are subject to the following requirements: 9.1 Free public accessibility for your Maps API implementation. 9.1.1 General Rules. Free access (free of charge). Subject to Section 9.1.2 (Exceptions), your implementation of the Maps API must be available free of charge to the general public and must not require a paid subscription or other limited paid access.

This rule applies to your content and any other content in your Maps API implementation, whether your content or other content is present now or will be added later. Public access (no firewall). The implementation of your Maps API should not (i) run only behind a firewall. or (ii) only on an internal network (except during the development and testing phases); or (iii) in a gated community (p.B. by invitation only). 9.1.2 Exceptions. Enterprise Agreement with Google. The provisions of Section 9.1.1 (Free Access, Public Access) do not apply if you have entered into a separate written agreement with Google (for example.

B a Google Maps Agreement) or if you have obtained written permission from Google. Mobile applications. The rule in Section 9.1.1(a) (Free Access) does not apply if your implementation of the Maps API is used in a mobile application sold for a fee through an online store and can be downloaded to a mobile device that can access the online store. The rule in Section 9.1.1(b) (Public Access) does not apply if your maps API implementation is an Android application that uses the Google Maps Android API. (However, the rule in Section 9.1.1(b) (Public Access) still applies if your maps API implementation is an Android app that uses other Maps APIs, unless the Maps API implementation is eligible except for Section 9.1.2(a) (Enterprise Agreement with Google).) 9.1.3 Examples. You can ask users to sign up for your Maps API implementation if you don`t require users to pay a fee. You can charge a fee for implementing your Maps API if it`s an Android app that can be downloaded to mobile devices from the Google Play Store. If you are a consultant who creates or hosts Maps API implementations for third parties, you may charge those customers a fee for your consulting or hosting services (but not for the Maps API implementations themselves, except as permitted in Section 9.1.2 (Exceptions) 9.2 Reporting. You must implement the reporting mechanisms required by Google (which will be updated from time to time in these Terms of Service and in the Maps API documentation). 9.3 End User Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

If you are developing an implementation of Maps APIs for use by other users, you must: show users of your Maps API implementation the link to the Google Terms of Service as presented through the Service or described in the Maps API documentation; Expressly state in the terms of use for your Maps API implementation that by using your Maps API implementation, your users agree to be bound by the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service; and protect the privacy and legal rights of such users. Your Privacy Policy. You must make available to the public and comply with an appropriate privacy policy in your implementation of the Maps API. In particular, if your implementation of the Maps API allows you or any party to access information about Maps API users, including personal data (e.B. Username) or non-personally identifiable usage information (for example. B location), your privacy policy must describe your use and retention of this information. Geolocation Privacy Your implementation of the Maps API must inform the user in advance of the type(s) of data you wish to collect from the user or their device. The implementation of your Maps API must not retrieve or cache a user`s location in any way unless the user has previously consented to it. The implementation of your Maps API must allow the user to revoke their consent at any time. If the implementation of your Maps API provides Google with geolocation data, this geolocation data must not allow Google to identify an individual user.

For example, if the implementation of your Maps API sends your content to Google and your content contains geolocation data, your content should not also include unique device identifiers associated with individual users. If you intend to obtain the user`s location and use it with data from another data provider, you must communicate this to the user. Google Privacy Policy. Your privacy policy must inform users that you are using the Maps API(s) and, by reference, incorporate Google`s privacy policy by including a link to Google`s then-current privacy policy (at the or any other URL provided by Google). Cookies. As mentioned in the documentation, some Maps APIs store and access cookies and other information on end users` devices. If you use any of these cookie-enabled Maps APIs in your implementation of the Maps API, you must comply with the EU User Consent Policy for EU end users. 9.4 Attribution. Content made available to you through the Service may include trademarks of Google, its strategic partners, or other third parties that own rights to Content indexed by Google. If Google provides these trademarks or other attributions through the Service, you must see that attribution as provided (or as described in the Maps API documentation) and you may not remove or change the attribution. You must prominently display the «powered by Google» attribution (and any other attribution required by Google in the Maps API documentation) on or next to the corresponding service search box and Google search results.

If you use the default Google search control or the default Google search form, this assignment is automatically included and you should not change or obscure this automatically generated assignment. You understand and agree that Google has the right and discretion to determine whether your attributions meet the above requirements. 9.5 Prevention of Unauthorized Use. You will use all reasonable efforts to prevent and terminate any unauthorized use of the Service. 9.6 Liability for Breach. You are solely responsible (and Google is not liable to you or any third party) for any breach of your obligations under the Terms of Service and the consequences of such breach (including any loss or damage Google may suffer). (i) the Client Application Terms of Use (A) will inform Users that the Client Application contains Google Maps features and content; and (B) represent that use of Google Maps features and content is subject to the then-current versions of: (1) the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service under; and (2) Google`s privacy policy under . . .