Event Planner General Contract

Who doesn`t want kitten DJs as an event service? Then, learn more about legal issues and event requirements. Next, create an accurate event table with legal spacing using Social Tables` free event scheduling tools. The Company maintains one or more commercial general liability insurance policies with liability limitations of at least five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) per event and one million dollars ($1,000,000) in total, covering, among other things, professional liability coverage. All insurance policies to be maintained by the Company under this Agreement shall be maintained with responsible companies that are qualified to operate and have a good reputation in the State ____ [insert Company Statute] and that have a rating of at least «A-» in the most recent A.M. Best`s insurance guide or a similar rating that can reasonably be expected. If the Company is unable or unwilling to provide proof within five (5) business days of the Effective Date, this Agreement will terminate at that time and any reservation deposit will be refunded to the Customer within five (5) business days of termination. You need to think about your cancellation policy, for example. B is the amount of the notification you need to cancel an event and the amount you charge them. You can also have different guidelines for different seasons. For example, you may charge a higher cancellation fee during periods of high demand each year. This is a topic that needs its own article. Your contract must indicate the payment methods you accept (cash, checks, credit cards, money order, Square, PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, cell).

Please research third party policies. I am part of an event network and we have found that there are brides who hire you for services and insist on paying you via PayPal or CashApp. These brides will later try to get all their money back by filing a dispute 30 days after their event. In many cases, brides received a full refund. So do your homework before listing the payment methods you receive from customers in your contract. In the event scheduling contract, add the scenarios that you can use to log out. However, you must also specify provisions for the customer from whom you are withdrawing. This may include the client finding another external planner or reimbursing the client for the initial deposit. In addition to basic customer information such as full name, full address, and phone number, you can provide specific details about the event in this section. We all understand that life happens and things don`t always go as planned.

In the event that your client may need to cancel their event, your contract must stipulate that the cancellation must be made in writing and received two weeks before the date of the event. Indicate which fees/charges will apply as a result of the cancellation. In the event of a tornado, earthquake, pandemic or any other type of natural disaster, your contract must indicate whether you are prepared to offer the customer an event credit that can be used at a later date. Or if you offer a refund, in whole or in part. Follow the layout of these sample contracts to create your own event planner contract: For any other resources or guides, there`s much more on the Capterra Event Management blog: Set a due date for the first deposit in your contract and event planning calendar. Put pressure on that you won`t start working until the client pays that amount. To protect the interests of both parties, make sure your contract includes all the details needed for event planning: Side note: It is imperative that family and friends always have a contract. They are usually the ones who cause you grief and/or try to use the services you offer. Also indicate that customers are responsible for the event costs that have been incurred since the last payment. This way, if the last payment was the first deposit, you will be compensated for all the work you have done since then. The payment plan part of your contract should be determined by what the customer is satisfied with the payment and the duration. You and your client must decide whether payments will be made monthly, weekly or half the total cost in advance and the balance is due between 15 and 30 days before the event date.

We`ve all heard stories of event planners who ended up being the personal assistant to a bridesmaid in need because the full range of services provided to the client was not fully explained. Or worse, the event organizer, who was to serve as a concierge, simply cleaned the reception room because this service was not provided by the venue or catering company. I recommend listing these services in bulleted lists (as done above) to make it easier to analyze the contract and not have lost any of the services in a block of text. The customer agrees to give you permission to take before/after photos or videos of the event for advertising purposes. You`d be surprised how often customers see photos of their event on the event planner`s website and demand that those images be removed. Tags: Contract Management Software Contract Planning Contract Termination Event Planner Event Planner Contract Force Majeure Compensation Clause Customers who withdraw halfway through are not uncommon. But what if it`s you, the event organizer, who wants to unsubscribe? It happens – maybe you`re getting a last-minute request from a more prominent customer, a supplier you`ve hired, they`re facing an unexpected health emergency. This type of clause is common in the hotel industry and is called a hotel cancellation clause.

Your contract is a tool that protects your time, reputation and bank account. Contracts can serve as a tool to keep you engaged and set the limits of the services you can or cannot offer to the client. Depending on the event, you may be able to charge a high fee. The space is often sold on the square foot. Sometimes Vendor Space is sold as a «sponsorship». Often, these events are not aimed at selling products, but at marketing and collecting sales contacts and not direct sales. Dispute resolution and attorneys` fees. In the event of a dispute arising from this Agreement that cannot be resolved amicably, the parties agree to mediation. If the matter cannot be resolved through mediation and legal action ensues, the prevailing party will be entitled to their attorneys` fees, including but not limited to their attorneys` fees. As a reminder, it is preferable to modify the contract when changes are agreed. This, too, avoids any misunderstanding. especially as the important event approaches.

When do you want clients to pay you for your work? Most event planning work includes an initial deposit, the rest is paid after the event. Second, these clauses must include conditions for what constitutes a valid cancellation of the event (low potential attendance, lack of funding, damaged venue or medical reasons), how long they must cancel before the event before they are charged the full amount, and how much each cancellation point in the calendar will cost them. Don`t worry, this article will help you create a basic event contract that includes clauses to protect your event business. Side note: If possible, avoid the day of payment.. .