Repurchase Agreement Maybank

We also issue marketable NIDs. Customers can sell the NID to get cash. In a repurchase or repurchase agreement, the Bank sells its money market instruments approved by Bank Negara Malaysia to an investor who has an agreement to redeem the instruments at an agreed price (interest rate) at a specific future date. A cash deposit product based on Murabahah merchandise that allows customers to set a predetermined MYR or foreign currency gain rate. The customer engages CIMB Islamic as wakeel (agent) for the purchase and sale of goods in order to facilitate the deposit transaction. Money market instruments available to investors at competitive prices. Please click here to view the STMMD Terms and Conditions. Our money market team offers a wide range of products for corporate and institutional investors and depositors to increase the performance of their funds. We offer prices for Malaysian government bonds, Bank Negara money market notes, Islamic Treasury bills and other short-term securities, subject to the availability of securities in the bank and in the market. A negotiable deposit instrument (NID) is a financial instrument issued by banks to deposit a certain amount of money for a specified period of time at a predetermined interest rate. A NID can be bought or sold before the due date.

Maybank`s financial strength and reputation ensure your investment and return. Term deposit A fixed term deposit bears interest at an agreed interest rate based on a specific maturity date. The duration can vary between 1 and 60 months. The minimum investment is RM5,000 for 1 to 2 months and RM1,000 for 3 months or more. A fixed deposit earns higher interest rates than a savings account and provides protection against changes in interest rates. In addition to MYR deposits, the bank also accepts foreign currency deposits for major foreign currencies such as USD, EURO and AUD. Our global branch network and extensive correspondent banking relationships allow us to offer competitive prices for terms ranging from 1 day to 1 year. 1.

Certificate of Islamic Negotiable Bond («NIDC») This is an investment product based on Bai` Bithaman Ajil («BBA») in which investors receive a certificate proving that a certain amount of money has been deposited with the issuing bank at an agreed MYR profit rate and is payable on a certain future date. Certificates can be easily liquidated to raise funds before the due date. Not protected by PIDM. A form of Islamic securities issued by bank Negara Malaysia to manage liquidity in the Islamic financial market. New issues may be issued on an updated or coupon-linked basis, depending on investor demand. Maybank`s strong market presence allows us to offer investors interest-bearing investment products on an outright selling basis, such as Banker`s Acceptance (Maybank and other banks), Private Debt Securities (PDS), Malaysia Government Securities (MGS), Cagamas, Treasury and Bank Negara Bills. The repochase agreement (REPO) is an alternative investment option for clients` excess funds. The shortest REPO term is one day and all client funds are hedged against underlying securities.

Banker`s AcceptanceA Banker`s Acceptance (BA) is a bill of exchange used and accepted by financial institutions on behalf of their clients for trade finance. The duration of the financing is between 21 and 200 days (or subject to the credit agreement). BA is a discounting instrument and interest is paid in advance by deduction of the principal amount. Maybank offers both conventional and Islamic acceptance. Short-term revolving credit. A form of Islamic securities issued on an updated basis by Bank Negara Malaysia on behalf of the Malaysian government. STMMD is a direct fund investment that gives clients the opportunity to earn interest on their funds in the short term. The simple calculation of interest is based on actual days/365. .